When a kiddo is first learning to roll they often draw their legs up into the air and use the momentum as they fall to one side to learn to roll onto their tummy. This technique keeps the trunk (shoulders through hips) moving together; we call this log rolling. Later...
This is one of the first times this little one figured out how to independently roll from his tummy to his back. He demonstrates good position with his arms tucked under his shoulders, one knee drawn up beside his trunk and pushes with the arm on the same side.
This kiddo is learning to move while on his tummy. He is pushing himself backwards which is fairly common when learning to move in a new position. You will also notice that he is wearing a cranial molding helmet to help reshape his head after torticollis created a...
This little guy is doing what we call pivotting. This is a move that allows kids to spin in a circle in a certain position, such as during tummy time. It generally precedes moving forward or backward in that same position. Pivotting can be done on the back, on the...
This is a little kiddo who is learning to drink out of an open cup. Surprisingly to most parents, there is no oral motor development stage for using a sippy cup. This is a convenience for us parents so that we don’t have to clean up spills. So don’t be...