This is a kiddo with Charge syndrome who is practicing balancing on one leg. This skill is important for standing from the floor, dressing, and managing stairs safely, to only name a few. Balance is a skill that requires information from our visual system, vestibular...
This is a little girl who has just learned how to move from lying to sitting independently. There are a couple of ways that kiddos learn to sit up. One is demonstrated here, where the kiddo rolls from their back to their tummy and then moves onto hands and knees and...
This is a girl with a rare chromosomal disorder called Smith-Kingsmore Syndrome causing visual impairment who is learning how to use her vision to engage with people and her environment. As part of her syndrome, she has macrocephaly (a head that is larger than normal)...
This is a girl with visual impairment due to Leber Congenital Amaurosis who is learning how to get on her rocking horse all by herself. She has labeled this toy Wim-o-way and she loves to rock back and forth for long periods of time. However, for a long time she...
This kiddo has a rare condition called Hydranencephaly. Because of the malformation of her brain, she has Cortical Visual Impairment, meaning her brain does not process what her eyes see in a normal way. She needs help maintaining her range of motion, but that...