Americans with Disabilities Act Day

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on this date in 1990. "The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public." The law ensures […]

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

August is a great time to learn how to protect your child's eyesight. One in 20 children have an eyesight condition that can result in permanent vision loss if left untreated. Even so, 80% of preschoolers do not have their eyes routinely screened. It is important to remember that vision changes can occur without children […]

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a neurodegenerative condition that is hereditary and is caused by a deficiency of the motor neuron protein SMN which affects the motor nerve cells in the spinal cord, causing problems with eating, breathing, crawling, walking. August is the time when we try to raise awareness, share resources, and educate the community […]

Spina Bifida Colorado Education Series

The SB Education Day team is putting on another event for the Spina Bifida community. This session will be on zoom and will have the following topics: - Accessibility and wheelchair friendly places in Colorado - Learning about kidney stones  - An interactive surprise game to have some fun! Please RSVP at the google form here: […]

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

While childhood cancer is rare, it is the leading cause of disease-related death past infancy in children and adolescents. Every September, advocacy organizations, healthcare institutions, patients, and families raise awareness for childhood cancer.

Summer Low Sensory Mornings at Denver Botanic Gardens

Denver Botanic Garden at York Street 1007 York Street, Denver, CO

Experience Denver Botanic Gardens without the crowds. This therapeutic horticulture program is intended to give individuals and families who prefer a quiet, less crowded environment a chance to experience the Gardens with limited attendance. Explore on your own and learn about other sensory-based programming that will inspire curiosity and awaken your senses, like our Sensory […]