Nina de Freitas: Sensory Friendly Show

Swallow Hill Music - Daniels Hall 71 E Yale Ave, Denver, CO

At a Sensory Friendly Concert, we maintain lower volumes and even lighting. We'll have a calm room and fidget sensory items available. About Nina de Freitas: Nina de Freitas is a singer-songwriter currently based in Denver, CO. Born in Salvador, Brazil to musician parents, she embraced her artistic inheritance from an early age. Her musical […]

What’s In A Name? Concert

Rock Canyon High School 5810 McArthur Ranch Rd., Littleton, CO

The Highlands Ranch Concert Band, based in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, provides Highlands Ranch and the surrounding communities a place for amateur and professional musicians to play their instrument and perform a variety of musical literature. We perform four to five concerts a year.  We perform traditional band literature for our March and May concerts, and […]

Sensory Inclusive YOKOSO! A Japanese Culture Mix-Tape at Lone Tree Arts Center

Lone Tree Arts Center 10075 Commons St, Lone Tree, CO

Learn about Japanese culture through an interactive and engaging afternoon of performing arts. Featured Colorado-based artists from the Japanese Arts Network (JA-NE) with beats and words from MC 3Two aka Christopher Bennett, taiko drummer Courtney Ozaki, and other special guests sharing traditional Japanese folk music and dance with a cultural mix-tape of multi-disciplinary artforms. What […]