
News & Updates
Inaugural US Adaptive Open

Inaugural US Adaptive Open

In July the USGA held its first ever US Adaptive Open for competitors with disabilities. What a great opportunity for the competitors to share their love of golf with others. We applaud the USGA's efforts for inclusion and look forward to seeing more events like this...

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Feeding, An Act of Love

Feeding, An Act of Love

Guest post by Shawna Walker, RDN Feeding a child is one of the most loving ways a parent can render care. The pressure to meet growth and development needs, protect them from illness, and maximize their health can be overwhelming. With intentionality, it might be...

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What is Cystic Fibrosis

What is Cystic Fibrosis

May is Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Awareness month. Cystic Fibrosis is a disorder caused by a genetic mutation that impacts a protein involved in the production of mucus, sweat, and digestive enzymes. Symptoms can revolve around difficulties with breathing due to thickened...

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families partnered with

diagnoses we've seen

combined years of experience


committed to your kiddos

Get In Touch

Kristy Miller, RPT, Owner

Kid Physical
16350 E Arapahoe Rd Suite 146
Foxfield, CO 80016

720-949-4078 phone
720-420-1787 fax

Office hours: Mondays 2:30pm-4:30pm and Thursdays 8am-10am
Working hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Client care does not discriminate based on the client’s race, national origin, disability or handicap, age or sex. Our staff will deliver services based on each client’s unique and individual needs and clinical decisions will not be altered solely based on reimbursement source or compensation plan. Care will be provided in a coordinated, effective, appropriate, cost-conscious, and safe manner in accordance with agency goals, objectives, and philosophy.