Denver Regional Mobility & Access Council
DRMAC’s mission is to inform and empower people to overcome mobility barriers through education, collaboration, and advocacy to enhance quality of life. DRMAC serves the following Colorado counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin and Jefferson.
DRMAC cares. We care about everyone. We want people to be able to go where they WANT to go as well as where they NEED to go. We want them to be able to do that safely, efficiently, and economically. We are especially involved with older adults, people of low income, and people with disabilities; those who are often transit dependent. With that basis, our staff and Board of Directors work from a four-pronged approach: advocacy, coordination, education, and information.
DRMAC is the Regional Coordinating Council and as such bring the community together. We facilitate Local Coordinating Councils in each of our area’s counties for transportation providers, users, and advocates to come together.
DRMAC offers a variety of free trainings open to the community and educates community organizations on opportunities and transit gaps.
DRMAC is, and will continue to be, the bridge between multimodal transit users, transit providers, human services, local agencies, transit advocates, and the general public. We thank you for your interest, and hope that we can help you get to where you want to go.